Why do Goldendoodles Lick so Much- 13 Reasons and Vet Tells You How To Fix It!

Is your Goldendoodle constantly licking themselves or something in the house.  There are many reasons that your dog may constantly be licking. There are somethings that you can do at home to help get them to stop licking.  Many times this is due to your Goldendoodle being bored and can easily be treated with just more attention and exercise.

Why Do Dogs Lick Things Obsessively?

13 most common reasons that your Goldendoodle may be licking things obsessively

  1. Something is itching
  2. Something is hurting them
  3. They are grooming themselves
  4. They are hungry
  5. They are thirst
  6. There is an issue in their mouth
  7. They are nauseated
  8. They have a medical issue (cognitive issues)
  9. They are bored or stressed
  10. They need attention
  11. They are playing
  12. They are showing you that they love you
  13. There is something on the floor
  • Itching: Goldendoodles may lick their skin excessively when they experience discomfort or irritation, such as from fleas, ticks, mites, allergies, or hot spots. Licking can provide relief from itchiness, but it can also exacerbate the condition and cause further irritation or infection.
  • Parasites: Fleas, ticks, and mites are common parasites that can cause itchiness and irritation in dogs. Goldendoodles may excessively lick their skin to alleviate the discomfort caused by these parasites, which can also lead to hot spots or infections.
  • Hot spots: Hot spots are inflamed areas on a dog’s skin that can be caused by allergies, infections, or irritants. Goldendoodles may lick these hot spots to relieve the itchiness and pain, but excessive licking can worsen the condition and cause further irritation or infection.
  • Allergies: Allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or certain foods, can trigger allergic reactions in dogs. Excessive licking is a common symptom of allergic reactions, especially in a dog’s feet. Identifying the allergen and removing it from the dog’s environment or diet can help manage the symptoms of the allergic reaction.
  • Pain: If a Goldendoodle has an injury or is experiencing pain, they may excessively lick the affected area to soothe the discomfort. For example, they may lick their paws if they have a hurt paw or leg or their anal area if they have full or impacted anal glands.
  • Grooming: Some Goldendoodles may engage in excessive grooming behavior and constantly lick themselves to keep their fur clean.
  • Hungry or thirsty: Dogs may constantly lick their food or water bowl when they are hungry or thirsty, or to indicate that they need more food or water.
  • Health issue: Dogs may lick excessively due to an issue in their mouth, nausea, or a medical issue, and this behavior should prompt owners to seek veterinary attention.
  • Soothing: Licking can also be a self-soothing behavior, caused by boredom, stress, or anxiety, or used as a way to seek attention or show affection.
Why Do Goldendoodles Lick So Much- 13 Reasons And Vet Tells You How To Fix It! 1

Why Is my Goldendoodle licking things obsessively?

Many times, your Goldendoodle obsessivity licking things can become very frustrating.  Once you figure out why they are doing this, it is easier to fix. 

These are some of the 13 most common reasons that your Goldendoodle may be obsessively licking.

Something is itching

If your dog is itching, they may be licking at this area.  Your dog cannot reach certain areas for scratching, such as their legs and feet.  They will commonly lick these areas to help stop the itching.

When dogs experience discomfort or irritation on their skin, they tend to engage in self-grooming behaviors such as licking and chewing to alleviate the itchiness.


Fleas, ticks, and mites are common parasites that can cause irritation and itchiness in dogs. When a Goldendoodle is infested with these parasites, they may lick their skin excessively as a way of relieving the discomfort.

Additionally, these parasites can also cause hot spots on the skin, which are areas of inflammation that can be extremely itchy and painful.

Hot Spots

These irritated spots can also be caused by allergies, bacterial or fungal infections, or any other irritants that cause inflammation on the skin. When a Goldendoodle has a hot spot, they may lick the affected area frequently as a way of soothing the itchiness and pain.

In some cases, a Goldendoodle may develop a habit of too much licking, which can lead to further irritation and even infection.


Allergens are one of the most common causes of licking in dogs, particularly in their feet. When a Goldendoodle is exposed to allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or certain foods, their immune system may overreact, causing an allergic reaction.

One of the symptoms of an allergic reaction in dogs is excessive licking, which can lead to further irritation and even infection.

When allergens come into contact with a dog’s skin, they can cause itching, redness, and inflammation, which can be very uncomfortable for the dog. As a result, a Goldendoodle may excessively lick their feet as a way of trying to soothe the irritation and alleviate the itchiness.

In some cases, a dog’s licking behavior can exacerbate the underlying condition and make it worse. When a dog excessively licks their feet, it can lead to further irritation and even cause injuries or infections on their paw pads.

To treat licking caused by allergens, it’s important to identify the allergen that is causing the reaction and remove it from the dog’s environment or diet. This may require working with a veterinarian to perform allergy tests or conducting an elimination diet to identify the allergen.

Additionally, your veterinarian may recommend medications or other treatments to help manage the symptoms of the allergic reaction, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, medicated shampoos, or topical creams. With proper treatment and management, Goldendoodles can find relief from their licking behavior caused by allergens.

Something is hurting them

If your dog has a hurt paw or leg, they may lick this area. This is their way of soothing this area and helping comfort them during this painful time.  

Debris is Stuck

You can figure out what is hurting them by gently pushing where they are licking.  If they are licking their feet, make sure to look in between their toes, as this is a common site for something to get stuck.

They Have Full or Impacted Anal Glands

A Goldendoodle may also excessively lick their anal area due to discomfort or pain caused by their anal glands. These glands are located near a dog’s anus and are responsible for secreting a fluid that helps with communication and marking territory.

Sometimes, these glands can become impacted or infected, causing pain and discomfort for the dog. In these cases, a Goldendoodle may excessively lick or bite their anal area to try and alleviate the pain.

They Have a Wound

If a Goldendoodle is excessively licking a specific area, it’s important to inspect the area for any signs of wounds or abrasions. Dogs may like an open wound to remove any dirt and to soothe the pain. Think of what you and your dog have done recently.

Did you go for a run on hot pavement? Has your dog been around any harsh chemicals? The best way to find out what’s wrong is to look back at what might have happened.

Overall, licking behavior in Goldendoodles can be a sign of pain or discomfort. If you notice your Goldendoodle engaging in excessive licking, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Why Do Dogs Lick Things Obsessively?

They are grooming themselves

Some dogs will groom themselves like cats. They will constantly lick themselves to keep their fur clean.  If they have a cut on their body, they may also lick this area to keep it clean and help prevent any infections.

Some dogs will even lick other dogs or cats in the house.  This is their way to nurture them or show affection to other pets in the house.

It may be the Poodle coming out in your Doodle. These parents of the Goldendoodle hybrids are known to be dog breeds that like to be fastidiously clean and keep others clean too.

They are hungry

If your dog is hungry, they may constantly lick their food bowl.  Some dogs just love to eat and are not hungry, and they will figure out that if they lick their bowl that you will put food in there. 

You will have to determine if your dog is hungry or just wants more food in its bowl.

They are thirsty

Just like with their food bowl, a dog may lick their water bowl if it is empty.  They may even lick other things in the house if they need water.

There is an issue in their mouth

If your dog has an infected tooth or another issue in their mouth, they may constantly lick.  They may lick their feet or just lick into the air. 

If you look in their mouth, you can see if they have an infected tooth or stick stuck in their mouth.  Your vet can help remove any infected tooth or stick stuck in their mouth.

They are nauseated

If a dog is nauseated, it may be drooling and licking things obsessively.  This can help calm their stomach and keep them from vomiting. 

Dogs may also lick themselves excessively if they’re feeling nauseated or sick. This behavior is often a sign of discomfort or distress, and can be caused by various factors such as illness or dietary changes.

In some cases, a dog’s nausea may be caused by certain ingredients in their diet that may be causing an upset stomach.

Additionally, illness or medical conditions such as diarrhea can cause nausea in dogs, leading to excessive licking as a way of trying to alleviate the discomfort. Dogs may also excessively lick their lips or swallow repeatedly in response to nausea.

If you suspect that your dog’s licking behavior is due to nausea, it’s important to take them to a veterinarian for a full evaluation. The vet may perform tests to identify the underlying cause of the nausea and prescribe appropriate medication or treatment.

In the case of dietary changes, the vet may recommend switching to a diet that is easily digestible or free from any allergens or ingredients that may be causing the upset stomach. Additionally, the vet may suggest giving your dog small, frequent meals throughout the day to help ease their nausea.

Overall, excessive licking behavior in dogs can be a sign of nausea or discomfort. If you notice your dog engaging in licking or other unusual behaviors, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

They have a medical issue

As a dog gets older, they can develop dementia.  This can cause your dog to have a lot of anxiety.  They may start to lick things during this time. 

They are bored or stressed

If your dog is bored, they may lick themselves, the couch, their bed, or even the carpet or wall.  This helps keep them calm and gives them something to do.

If the boredom continues, they may become stressed and start destroying things in your house.

Licking is a self-soothing behavior that releases endorphins, which can help dogs feel calmer and more relaxed. However, when this behavior becomes obsessive or compulsive, it can be a sign of underlying issues such as boredom, anxiety, or attention-seeking behavior.

One of the reasons why dogs may excessively lick when they’re bored is because they lack mental stimulation. Dogs are social animals that love to explore and engage in various activities. When they don’t get enough mental or physical stimulation, they may resort to obsessive licking behaviors as a way to cope with their boredom.

In addition, separation anxiety can also be a cause of excessive licking in dogs. When dogs are left alone for long periods of time, they may feel stressed and anxious, leading to compulsive behaviors such as licking or chewing.

Dogs may also engage in excessive licking behavior as a way of seeking attention from their owners. Dogs love to be near their owners and to receive attention and affection. If they feel neglected or lonely, they may resort to licking behavior as a way of getting their owner’s attention.

To prevent excessive licking behaviors in dogs, it’s important to provide them with plenty of mental stimulation and opportunities for exercise and play. This can include taking them for walks, playing games with them, or providing them with puzzle toys or other types of interactive toys that can keep their minds and bodies engaged.

Additionally, if your dog is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, it’s important to work with a trainer or behaviorist to help them cope with their anxiety and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

They need attention

If your dog wants attention, they may lick obsessively.  Many times, this gets your attention, and you will give them the attention that they want. Usually, spending a little more time with them will help them not lick as much.

They are playing

Some dogs will lick things when they are playing.  They may lick their toys or even you and other pets they are playing with. 

Some toys have an area that you can put treats.  There may be some leftover treats in these toys that your dog is licking. 

They are showing you that they love you

Some dogs will lick you.  This is their way of showing you that they love you. 

You may not constantly want dog drool on your face, but they may be licking you to show affection.  They may lick your hands after you eat, especially if they smell something yummy on your skin.

There is something on the floor

If your dog is licking the floor, you may have dropped a crumb of food that they are licking up.  Your dog’s nose is very sensitive and can find even the smallest crumb.

Keeping your floor clean and vacuuming your carpet will help prevent your dog from licking your floor.

How do I stop my dog from excessive licking?

Depending on why your dog is licking, you can teach them not to obsessively lick things. These are something that you can do to help

  • Take them for a walk: Many dogs are licking because they need more exercise.  If your dog is not allowed to run and play, they will start to randomly lick things in the house.  If you notice your dog licking, take them on a long walk. 
  • Make an appointment with your vet: If you think that there is a medical reason that they are licking, such as a bad tooth or something stuck in their mouth, it would be best for your vet to see them.
  • Give them toys to play with: Many dogs lick because they are bored. Give them some puzzle toys or other dog toys to play with.  This will keep them active and less likely to want to lick excessively.
  • Use a Cone of Shame: Sometimes, you have to use a cone of shame to get them to stop licking.  Usually, after your dog is wearing this for a week or two, you have broken the habit of them licking and can take the cone off.
  • Use no lick sprays: Using no lick sprays such as bitter apple or bitter orange can deter them from licking these areas.  Unfortunately, this may not be something that you want to put on your furniture.
Why Do Goldendoodles Lick So Much- 13 Reasons And Vet Tells You How To Fix It! 2

Final Thoughts

If your dog is licking themselves or something in the house, try to figure out what is causing these behaviors. 

Once you have realized why they are licking, you can start to train them to stop.  Many times, giving your dog attention, a little extra exercise, and something to do will stop them from lick. 

If you are still not having any luck getting your dog to stop, it would be best for your dog to see your vet.  They can help you make sure that there is not anything medically wrong with your dog. 

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