How To Prevent Goldendoodle Matting: 3 Must-Own Dog Brushes
This article is about how to prevent Goldendoodle matting and it includes the three brushes you must-own for a doodle’s fur type.
Our mini Goldendoodle girl, Lexie, is now four years old, and one of the biggest differences between our prior Golden Retriever and our Goldendoodle is grooming. I have wasted so much money on brushes, detangler sprays, and other junk that just did not work that well. As a result of my experience and waste of money, I thought I would share with you what I have found works to prevent matting. I will also give you three dog brush recommendations you need to prevent your Goldendoodle from getting matted.

How Do You Prevent Goldendoodle Matting?
You prevent Goldendoodle matting by frequently brushing them. You
Why Do Dogs Get Matted Fur?
Goldendoodles have a topcoat and undercoat to their fur. A Mat in the fur occurs when the topcoat, undercoat, and any loose hair get tangled up.
Sometimes mats occur near the
My Goldendoodle is a real water dog. She loves to swim and romp in the water, which is a big cause of getting mats to form.
It does not require something as dramatic as swimming at the lake to cause mats to occur. Something as routine as going outside to go potty in the rain cans get mats started.
Even petting your dog can get mats started! The oils in our skin can stay on our dogs, and they can start the process of mat-forming.
Before you get too stressed out and never want to pet your dog again, don’t worry. I’m going to tell you how to handle it. You just need to know what you are dealing with when it comes to matted fur on a dog.
Are Mats Painful For Dogs?
Yes, mats can be extremely painful for dogs. As a dog parent, you need to do everything you can to prevent mats before they form.
If a small mat is not properly addressed, it can turn a small issue into a much bigger one for your doodle
Hair mats have the ability to lock down against a dog’s skin. With every move your dog makes these knots get tighter and harder.
If these mats are left untreated, they can be a great place for fleas and other unwanted parasites to hide and live. While nobody likes dealing with mats on a dog, a little preventative maintenance will go a long way in having a happy, healthy Goldendoodle.
What Are Common Places On A Goldendoodle Where Fur Gets Matted?
Matting on a dog can occur anywhere fur grows, but these are some of the most common areas you should check your dog for matting:
- Behind the ears – This is one of the most common areas for the fur to get matted. It can trap moisture and stay damp longer, and it is also a place that is frequently touched by humans, so the oil from our skin can build up on the fur. Not to mention dogs will scratch their ears, causing fur to get moved around often.
- Hips / Outer Thigs – My Goldendoodle almost always gets a mat on her hips or lower back legs. I don’t know if it’s from the way she sleeps or what, but this is a very popular place for mats to form.
- Sides Just Before The Stomach – Run your hand from your dog’s hip along its side and down towards its stomach. You will probably feel a flap of loose skin where the side transitions into the belly area. This is a common area
for matting . - The Base of The Tail – Where the tail meets the body is another spot that you need to check
for mats . This is an area that you can usually tell might be forming a mat based on the smoothness of the top coat. If your dog is licking or digging at its tail, the moisture is likely to cause a mat. - Joints and Arm Pits – Do dogs have armpits? Not sure what you would call them. LOL
With this said, my dog gets mats where her front armpits rub her fur, and it gets matted. This also holds true for the joints along her from and rear legs. I assume these areas get matted due to frequent moving and also the moisture from going outside to go potty. Regardless of the cause, these are areas you need to frequently check your dog for mats forming. They are also likely to be areas that would be painful for your dog if it gets a mat.
Should I Bathe My Goldendoodle To Help Prevent Mats?
No, you should not bathe your dog if your dog has mats in their fur. If your pup already has mats, water will only make the problem worse. Mats can be painful to your Goldendoodle, and you do not want to make the problem worse.
If you can get a
How Should I Groom My Doodle To Prevent Matting?
Having a regular grooming schedule is critical to keeping your Goldendoodle mat free. With a doodle, an occasional bath and
Letting your Doodle’s hair grow long is absolutely adorable. It feels great to run your hands through their long-soft fur. Well, it feels great until you start feeling those terrible mats in
This is why many Doodle parents decide to have their puppy fur cut short during warm summer months. It allows for more frequent bathing, swimming, and less matting.
Is A Longer Or Shorter Cut Better For Preventing Mats?
So, Is A Longer or Shorter Grooming Cut Better For Preventing Mats? Shorter fur is much easier to keep mat free than longer fur. If you shave your Doodle, they can’t get matted. Longer fur requires much more effort on your part to keep your Doodle mat free.
How Often Should I Have My Goldendoodle Groomed?
In general, you should have your Goldendoodle groomed every four to six weeks. Many factors impact how often you have your doodle groomed.
I would suggest meeting with your groomer and setting a regular schedule. A groomer will go over your dog’s fur and discuss what needs to be done to keep the fur in top condition.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself when determining how often your Goldendoodle will require professional grooming:
- How long (length) do you plan to keep your dogs fur? Longer fur requires more frequent grooming.
- Are you willing to
brush your doodle frequently? Daily or frequent brushing will help prevent mats from forming and will allow you to stretch out the time between grooming sessions. - Is your dog a water dog? Will you make frequent trips to a lake, pond, creek, or ocean? If so, how do you plan to get rid of mats when your dog dries out from being in the water?
As we have discussed, mats can be painful for your dog. Now let’s discuss what you can do yourself (DIY) to prevent and remove mats from your dog’s fur.
What Can I Do At Home To Remove Or Prevent Matted Fur?
Regular brushing of your dog’s fur is the greatest way to prevent matted fur from occurring. Unfortunately, there is a lot of advice on the internet that might work, but it will be really painful for your dog and not nearly as effective as what I am going to share with you.
I have found the combination of three different brushes to prevent, remove and eliminate matted fur on my Goldendoodle, and I think it will work for you too.
Seebrush Recommendations below!
3 Dog Brushes You Must Own To Prevent Matted Dog Fur!
Most often, professional groomers will suggest a metal combo like this one.
From my experience, these combs work great in the hands of a professional groomer, but as a DIYer at home, it caused my Doodle to cry out when I tried to remove several small mats.
Using the metal
As far as I am concerned, this
brush is hands down the bestbrush for painlessly removing matted fur that I have ever seen!
#1 De-Matting Comb
As I said, this is hands down the best way to remove matted fur without making your dog cry in pain.
This is the
Lexie, my Goldendoodle, is a bit of a wimp when it comes to grooming. She will whine just at the idea something may hurt. Once I purchased this
My favorite way to use this de-matting

How Do I Use A De-Matting Comb ?
There are several ways to use the de-matting
From my experience and as a Doodle owner who just wants something easy that works and does not cause a lot of pain for my dog, I have not had any issues using this de-matting
Here’s how I use this de-matting
In the photo above, I am actually brushing against the grain of her fur. Typically I run with the fur. This is especially true if I know she has mats that need attention.
Then, once I find a mat, I will lift it up and then gently work the
If the mat is really bad, I will hold the mat with my fingers and put the blade of the
Sometimes I will use scissors, but I have found that scissors often take out healthy fur when the de-matting
#2 A Slicker Brush
After you get done removing mats with the de-matting
Why? My Goldendoodle just doesn’t like it when I use a metal
This is why my next go-to
What Is A slicker brush Used For?
By itself, a
I am not brand loyal to any particular
Okay, the de-matting
So, what is the 3rd must-have
#3 A Wet Brush
Do you know what a wet
My daughters kept asking for us to buy them a wet
What Does A Wet Brush Do?
It allows you to
While a wet
The wet
My two daughters and my Goldendoodle all use this same
Closing Thoughts On Preventing Matted Fur
Preventing matted fur on your Goldendoodle or another breed dog that mats easily can become a full-time job, but don’t stress about it too much.
With the use of these three brushes, you should be able to address most if not all mats your pup gets in its fur.
If there are mats, you cannot fix yourself, that is why there are professional groomers. Even with the tips and techniques I share above, we still get our Goldendoodle groomed every five weeks or so.
Bonus Tip: If I have a really difficult mat that I cannot easily cut out, I still use my trusty de-matting
UPDATED BONUS TIP: As much as I like the Cowboy Magic for helping to get out tangles, I have published my new favorite solution. This is a DIY solution you can make yourself. You can read more about it here: “Better Than Cowboy Magic? A DIY Detangler Spray That Actually Works“