Panting In Goldendoodles (8 Explanations Direct From A Vet!)

Is your Goldendoodle panting more than they usually do?  They may be because they just came from outside and are now in the air conditioning and cooling off by panting.  While this is a normal thing for your Goldendoodle to do, there may be other reasons that your dog would be panting. 

If they are panting and have not been outside, there may be an underlying medical reason that your Goldendoodle would be panting.  If you suddenly notice your Goldendoodle is panting a lot more than they normally do and are wondering “Why is my Goldendoodle panting so much?” it would be best to call your vet and have your Goldendoodle examined.

Panting In Goldendoodles (8 Explanations Direct From A Vet!) 1

Why Is My Goldendoodle Panting A Lot?

Some panting in your Goldendoodle is a normal process they use to cool themselves off or express anxious energy. However, heavy panting for a long period of time may indicate that your Goldendoodle is overweight or in pain, or they could have Bloat, Cushing’s disease, or a heart or respiratory issue.

Many of these require no treatment at all. Some can quickly be treated at home, while others may need immediate veterinary intervention. 

Goldendoodles do not typically pant a lot. They are not prone to overheating like some dog breeds are, like pugs and bulldogs. So excessive or abnormal panting in your Goldendoodle is likely a sign of something more serious being wrong with them.

Once you have figured out the cause of panting in your Goldendoodle, you can start helping your Goldendoodle stop panting

Cooling mechanism

Panting is a cooling mechanism for your Goldendoodle.  Dogs do not normally sweat like people.  This is how your Goldendoodle gets rid of any unneeded body heat.  When your Goldendoodle is panting, they take oxygen into their lungs and bloodstream. 

This is used to cool your pet off.  If your pooch does not have a way to cool themselves, this excessive heat can lead to heatstroke.  If your dog is panting because they are overheating, make sure to get them cooled off very quickly, as heatstroke can be deadly. 


Some dogs pant when they are suffering from anxiety.  Dogs will have anxiety from loud noises like sirens, parties, thunderstorms, or fireworks.  

Sometimes anxiety can also be caused by separation anxiety when not around their favorite people.  Symptoms of anxiety are discomfort coupled with pacing, licking, and chewing. 

If your dog is suffering from anxiety, there are many things that you can do to help them.  Give them a safe, quiet place to stay during these loud times.  

Also, you can help calm your dog with CBD products.  These come in treats, oil tinctures, or capsules.  Many dogs love the tasty CBD treats, and will greatly reduce their anxiety.

Panting In Goldendoodles: What Is Normal And What Isn’t


Bloat is a medical condition seen in deep-chested dogs that are also known as gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV).  This is a life-threatening illness that causes your dog’s abdomen to become distention.  This disease can be associated with vomiting, salivating, biting at their sides, and pacing. 

This can be caused by your dog eating too fast or exercising right after they are eating.  This disease requires you to take your dog to the vet immediately for intervention.  Your vet will usually have to do surgery to decrease your dog’s bloated stomach and untwist its stomach.  Without surgery, your Goldendoodle may not survive.

Heart disease

Heart disease can cause your Goldendoodle to pant.  Their heart is needed to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body. When your Goldendoodle’s heart is not functioning properly, they will not get enough oxygen to the rest of their body.  If this happens, your dog will pant because they are trying to get more oxygen into their body. 

As heart diseases progress, fluid can build up in your Goldendoodle’s abdomen and lungs.  

This will also make it harder for your Goldendoodle to breathe and get oxygen throughout their body.  You will also notice that they are panting more as a sign that their heart disease has gotten worse.  If you notice issues with your Goldendoodle, it is best to see your veterinarian immediately, as sometimes these issues can lead to life-threatening heart failure.


If your Goldendoodle is overweight or obese, they will also pant more.  If your dog is overweight, they will have extra layers of fat that act as a layer of insulation and will keep them warm.  During the summer months, you may notice that overweight dogs will pant even more. 

Also, this extra weight that your has is more painful on your joints.  When your Goldendoodle is painful, they will also pant more often. To help your overweight Goldendoodle lose weight, start by decreasing the amount of food that you are feeding them by about 25 percent. 

Cushing’s disease in dogs

Cushing’s disease is a disease affecting your dog’s adrenal gland causing them to produce excess cortisol.  

This overproduction of too much cortisol causes you’re your Goldendoodle to want to pant more.  If you think that your dog may have Cushing’s disease, there is a quick blood test that your veterinarian can run to see if they do have Cushing’s disease.

If they do have Cushing’s disease, this can easily be treated with medication that you would give your dog every day.  Once they are on the appropriate medication, you can easily fix the weight gain and panting with diet and exercise.


If your Goldendoodle is always panting, they could be hurting and in pain. Sometimes this is the first sign that you will see showing that they are painful. Other behaviors and signs of pain in your Goldendoodle are limping, restlessness, and decreased appetite.  Some Goldendoodles will even hide their pain and will act normal. 

Respiratory issues

Goldendoodles who have respiratory issues will pant more.  If your dog has any disease, such as pneumonia, they will not breathe as easily.  This will cause them not to get adequate amounts of oxygen to their body.  

This will result in your Golden Doodle panting more in order to take in more oxygen for their body.  Pneumonia is a very serious problem in dogs that, if not treated, can cause perinate damage and even death.

Other diseases of your dog’s lungs can cause them to pant.  Things such as masses in their lungs will cause your dog to pant.  As your Goldendoodle gets older, they can develop cancerous growths. 

These growths are inside your dog’s chest.  Masses in your Goldendoodle’s lungs will cause problems with their lungs fully expanding, leading your dog to pant more. 

If your Goldendoodle is panting, it is best to have your vet check your dog for any respiratory problems.  Your vet will want to take x-rays to see what is going on in the lungs.  This helps them assess the heart and lungs and helps you figure out why your Goldendoodle is panting.

How to help my Goldendoodle that is Panting Excessively

Once you have figured out what is causing your Goldendoodle to pant, you can easily help get them to stop panting.  These are some things that you can do to help decrease your Goldendoodle with panting.

Cool them off

If your Goldendoodle was just outside playing on a hot summer day, bringing them inside in the air conditioning and giving them cool water will help cool them off.  Give them cold water to drink. Place them in front of a fan, and even spraying them with water will help them quickly cool off. 

These cooling mats are surprisingly very effective!

If your Goldendoodle does not start to cool off pretty quickly after you bring them inside, they may need to see your vet.  Your vet can give your dog IV fluids to help them cool down.  Without treatment, heatstroke can lead to death in some dogs.

Put a fan in front of them

Sometimes your dog is just hot even if they have not been outside.  Goldendoodles that have longer fur may need to be kept in a cooler environment because they will retain heat and have an overall hotter body temperature.  If your Goldendoodle is panting a lot, put a fan in front of them to help them cool off. 

Try to calm them down

If your dog is very anxious, try to get them to calm down.  Many times just sitting and petting them can help keep them calm.  If your dog suffers from anxiety, there are many supplements that you can give them to help keep them calm.  

Talk to your vet about natural ways to help with anxiety.  If that does not work, there are medications that your vet can prescribe for your dog to take for anxiety.

Make them lose weight

If your Goldendoodle is overweight, one easy way for them to stop panting is to help them lose weight.  Decreasing the amount that you are feeding them by 10% and increasing the time that they spend exercising each day will help them lose weight.

See your vet

If your Goldendoodle continues to pant, it would be best for your vet to see your Goldendoodle. They can make sure that there are not any medical issues causing your Goldendoodle to pant. 

They can run bloodwork and take x-rays to make sure that your Goldendoodle is healthy. 

Final Thoughts

A Goldendoodle who is panting more could just be trying to cool off, but there may be an underlying medical issue that you need to have checked out by your vet.

If your Goldendoodle does not stop excessive panting after you get them to a cool area and get them to calm down, it is best for your vet to see them right away. Some of these conditions are life-threatening if not treated.  

The quicker you start treatment on your Goldendoodle, the better the outcome, and the faster your dog gets back to their normal life.

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